Let’s get started with your football blog
So, you have decided that you want to start a blog about football. What a great idea! Blogging is definitely a way to combine two interests: football and writing. If you have an idea and a will to start blogging, just go for it. But how do you really do it – how do you start a blog?There are a couple of things that need to be taken into consideration once starting a football blog. Of course, you first and foremost need to be a football fan, which is probably already true for you since you are browsing on this site. That is also to say that you have already figured out your blogs “niche”, which is the most difficult and important step if you want to start blogging. But then what? Let us guide you through a few practical steps so that you can get started immediately.
Begin with finding a blogging platform & deciding a name
Before you start blogging you must have a blog to write and publish your posts on. To do so it is easiest to pick a blogging platform. Many people choose to use WordPress, since it is advantageous for both beginners and more advanced bloggers. But there are also a variety of other blogging platforms that might be helpful for you. Go have a look yourself.Once finding a platform to create your football content in, you need to find the perfect name for your blog. A boring and mediocre name will not attract any readers, while a bulletproof and characterizing name will make you stand out from the crowd.
Then consider what you want to write about
Now you have a blog and a niche. But can you really write about EVERYTHING within football? I mean I guess you could, but it would be pretty difficult for one person to keep up to date with everything that happens within the sport. Instead, make sure to find a component of football that you are extra passionate about and would not mind writing about. It could be anything from the latest news within Premier League or transfers rumours of leagues throughout the world.A good tip is to write down everything you can think of and select what you think has the most readers interest afterwards. Sure, you are writing for yourself, but what good is it to blog if you do not have any readers?
Stay dedicated to your passion
The most common mistake people make is starting a blog without being really sure about what they are doing and why they are doing it. Make sure you start a blog to express your passion for football and for writing. Key to a successful blog is to be dedicated to it and write posts regularly to keep your readers on track. If you do not post more than once or twice a month, your readers will most likely lose interest for your blog and start looking for another. But make sure not to blog just because you feel like you need to!